
Paul Cezanne Still Life Painting

When Cezanne painted something like the fruits peach and apple, he used paint to outline the skin and caught a glimpse of their reflections. Most of Paul Cezanne paintings embody his personal thought of artistic, showing a strong sense of geometry, ignoring the accuracy of the texture and shape of objects. He emphasizes heavy, the overall sense of volume and the relationship between different objects. Sometimes he even gives up the individual independence and authenticity in order to seek the harmony of the various relationships.

His early work shows the influence of French masters Courbet and Delacroix, but later in 1877 Cezanne abandoned Impressionism. Cezanne in early time mostly used realistic painting technique, and choose real but difficult scenario as the subject matter of the painting. In his later years, the painting style changed, left us pieces of mild and bright landscape paintings. He thought that art should be harmonious with nature.

One of very important genre for Cezanne was the still life, which he has made about 200 pieces over the course of 40 years. In still life paintings, he painted the fruit dish with a shallow so as to compressed space. In the eyes of Cezanne, the essence of his practice is modulating.

The Kitchen Table

